Getting help for addiction is a profound achievement, however, that is not where it stops. It is not safe for people who have concluded addiction treatment to think everything is over.
It would interest you to know that life after addiction is a different ball game, and you need to take safety measures.
After addiction treatment, there is a tendency for you to relapse if care is not taken. This is why you need to undergo aftercare treatment. Aftercare treatment are series of subsequent interventions that take place after the main addiction treatment.
It is also referred to as the extra support that is given to the recovering individual which would form the residential aspect of the program.
Aftercare treatment can be in form of counseling sessions, support groups and follow-u meetings. During such hangouts, they will be taught various coping strategies and new skills.
Some people who relapse might never get the chance to recover, while the others might defeat addiction once again. This is why it is best to take the bull by the horn. The chances of relapse is usually at the highest within the first two months.
With this knowledge in mind, it is best for the individual to enroll for the aftercare treatment immediately after being discharged from or completing the main addiction treatment program.
It is easier to combat addiction triggers and cravings when you go for the aftercare treatment program. During this phase, the counselor and therapist help you to build on the skills thoughts during the addiction treatment, alongside with learning new ones that would keep you from harm’s way.
During the aftercare treatment period, you will meet other sober people. And together, a proficient support group would be created. Each person would use his or her story to motivate the rest of the group. A good number of times, it is easier to achieve a common goal when each member of a group is keen on making progress.